Monday, November 12, 2007

Why Save in Your 20s for Retirement in Your 60s?

I will show you why. Imagine two people saving money for retirement. They each save $200 month. The first starts at age 25, while the second waits until age 30. How big a difference can five years make? Lets run the numbers. I will use the Simple Savings Calculator from

A person investing $200 a month for 35 years ends up with $588,357, which is not bad. But start five years earlier and the total is $936,264. That is a difference of $347,907! Five years of investing $200 a month comes out to an extra $12,000. So putting in $12,000 in your 20s can make a difference of nearly $350,000.

This is a simplified example, but you get the idea. The more you save right now, the less you have to save later. There is no time like the present.



Those savings calculators are always fun.

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