Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Beginning of Your 20s Your Money

The financial decisions that you make in your 20s can have a huge impact on your finances for the rest of your life. My hope in writing this blog is that I can help people in their 20s make decisions that will lead to successful financial lives. The subject of personal finance is huge. The overall keys to success are relatively simple, but putting them into practice can be challenging.

In preparing to start this blog I wrote out a list of financial books that I have read. I came up with 12 and I know I omitted some. Many of you do not have the time or the desire to read that many financial books. That is where I come in. I will share the best of what I have found. I plan to present it in a way that makes sense to young adults who have not spent a lot of time learning about index funds and expense ratios.

Like I mentioned earlier, the key to getting ahead financially is simple. You must spend less than you earn. If you can do this, you are on your way. If you cannot, you will never get ahead. But how do you know if you are spending more than you make? One sure sign is if you have more month than money (in other words, the money ends before the month does). Another sure sign is if you cannot pay off your credit cards at the end of each month. Another key step to getting on solid financial ground is to actually think about your finances. So for now, just start to think about your finances. What are you doing well? What do you need to do better? We will get specific soon.


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